The 44th TOKYO MOTOR SHOW 2015



category:Exhibitor Interviews



Cars of the future will gain added value by connecting to the society around it.

One of the features that Toyota believes will add value is reducing traffic accidents through the use of a "Collaborative ITS". "Collaborative ITS is a system that connects cars to the infrastructure on traffic signals and allows them to communicate. The system will check for pedestrians and cars in the other lane when turning left, and will alert the driver if necessary," explains Akio Yamamoto, General Manger, ITS Planning Division.

The second type of added value is allowing freer movement. The company is currently testing its mobility sharing "Ha:mo" system that allows people to ride it anytime they want. "'Ha:mo' is a "last-mile mobility" for easier transportation for everyone including seniors. We plan to continue demonstrative testing in more areas."

By implementing collaborative ITS around the world, the technology will likely see further improvements. In addition, Ha:mo has a great chance of succeeding in areas in Europe with strict traffic regulations, as a practical micro mobility sharing service.

Finally, Mr. Yamamoto expressed his thoughts for the company's SMC2015 exhibit, explaining that "Toyota hopes to connect its cars to a good city and a good society, and contribute to society by creating added value. A smart mobility society is extremely important to us, and a society that we believe we can succeed in".