The 44th TOKYO MOTOR SHOW 2015


Press Release

The 42nd Tokyo Motor Show 2011 to Collaborate with

  • JNL-2011-28
  • August 4, 2011

The Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association, Inc. (Chairman: Toshiyuki Shiga) and the CEATEC JAPAN Organizing Committee* (Chairman: Kaoru Yano) have agreed on a collaboration between the Tokyo Motor Show, which represents the automobile industry, and CEATEC JAPAN, which represents the IT & Electronics industry. The aim of this initiative is to jointly communicate a message of recovery and reconstruction after the Great East Japan Earthquake as outlined below.
The automobile and IT/electronics industries are key industries of Japan and their strategies and actions are getting attention from industries and markets of Japan and the world. We hold deep conviction that collaboration of these two shows will serve as a statement of the resilience of Japanese manufacturing.

Outline of the 42nd Tokyo Motor Show 2011 / CEATEC JAPAN 2011 Collaboration

Mutual collaboration for attracting media (domestic and international)

  • Sending of invitations for coverage to media contacts in Japan and abroad listed on mutually owned rosters
  • Announcement of messages of collaboration and reconstruction support, etc.
    *See below for joint message of support for reconstruction and symbol

Collaboration for announcing shows and support

  • Announcement of both shows on official websites etc. (reciprocal links)
  • Posting of Tokyo Motor Show posters and distribution of pamphlets at the CEATEC venue, etc.

Cooperation for attracting visitors

  • Reciprocal observation visits to shows by organizer member companies
  • Providing of incentives for observation visitors (Use of CEATEC VIP-exclusive lounge, etc.)

CEATEC JAPAN Organizing Committee is comprised of the three associations below:
Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association
(JEITA, Chairman: Kaoru Yano / Chairman of the Board, NEC Corporation)
Communications and Information Network Association of Japan
(CIAJ, Chairman: Fumio Ohtsubo / President, Panasonic Corporation)
Computer Software Association of Japan
(CSAJ, Chairman: Shigefumi Wada / President, OBIC Business Consultants Co., Ltd.)

Joint message of support for reconstruction and symbol


The Tokyo Motor Show and CEATEC JAPAN are respectively the largest shows for the automobile industry and IT / electronics industry. These shows share the common purpose of exhibiting cutting-edge technology and its future. We developed a joint message and symbol with the intent of conveying a message shared by both industries, aiming to recover and reconstruct after the earthquake disaster.
We hope this message and symbol will give courage to all who are involved in both industries built upon technology, and that they will serve as a simple yet powerful banner for reconstruction.


We plan to post this on the official websites of both shows, as well as on staff uniforms, etc.

Joint message of support for reconstruction and symbol

Japan's technology manufacturers are a great team.
We are a strong team that has led the world in technical prowess.
Now is the time we must combine ever more strength, pool ever greater wisdom, and create ever more innovative technology.
The greatest leaps forward come at times of greatest crisis.
Team Technology Japan
The creations born of this great team will uphold the future of Japan and move the world.